During the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic, we wanted to offer yoga as a physical, emotional, and spiritual support during stressful days. The videos below were part of our effort and were originally offered live on our Facebook page. We call them Yoga Breaks because they offer a brief respite. They are not as long as a typical class, with most being between 30-40 minutes. You can mix and match if you want a longer practice.
Please forgive the technical difficulties. There was a learning curve and new equipment to procure as we worked our way through new territory! They get better as time goes on, and the newer ones are put on the top of the list.
If you are called to do so and if you are financially secure in these tough times, you can help support this small business by donating to: paypal.me/MandalaMoonYoga or Venmo to Dena Beratta (@Dena-Beratta).
Please forgive the technical difficulties. There was a learning curve and new equipment to procure as we worked our way through new territory! They get better as time goes on, and the newer ones are put on the top of the list.
If you are called to do so and if you are financially secure in these tough times, you can help support this small business by donating to: paypal.me/MandalaMoonYoga or Venmo to Dena Beratta (@Dena-Beratta).
Satya (truthfulness) - with warmups, flow, eagle, and twists
Gentle floor practice - great as a cool down or on a hot day
Ahimsa (nonviolence) - with heart and hip openers
Standing Flow with a Restorative Finish
Summer Solstice - saluting the sun
Cooling Practice - Sitali/Sitkari, gentle stretches, relaxation
Joyful Yoga for Kids - Rainbow Scavenger Hunt
Udana Vayu - Throat, Neck, Shoulders
Desk Yoga - shoulders, sides, spine, twist, hips
Yin Yoga - hero, easy pose, butterfly, shoelace, and twisting
Ujayi, lunges, twists, Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose
Kneeling, Standing, and Floor Practice
Seated and Supine Stretch
Moon Salutations
Please note I had some technical difficulties during this practice. Please fast forward to 6 minutes and 30 seconds in. This is where I turned on my microphone and started the practice over!