Hoop Series
Burn 400-600 calories per hour while having fun and feeling great! This multi-level, low-impact hoop class is appropriate for beginners and intermediate hoop students. We'll be blending Hoopnotica Flow ("moves" and dance) with Hoopnotica Fit (cardio and lunges), and we'll throw in some work with the Hoop Minis (arm sculpting with smaller "twin" hoops) Each class will include warm-ups, demos, and detailed instructions for each technique, and some “hoop jam” time—a free period to work on techniques or blending moves together into a personal flow. Hoops are available for use during class and for purchase.
Fall Hoop Series - Camillus Location
Thursdays, 6-7 p.m.
September 15, 22, 29; October 6, 13
Cost: $45 for 5 classes
Space is limited, and registration is required.
Register Now!
Fall Hoop Series - Camillus Location
Thursdays, 6-7 p.m.
September 15, 22, 29; October 6, 13
Cost: $45 for 5 classes
Space is limited, and registration is required.
Register Now!